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get involved


Exhibit and sell your creations at Lago Fest.


Lago Fest ARTS & CRAFTS is for vendors who design and create all original work.

From fine art to fun crafts to lifestyle products. You make it, you sell it!


Make a splash.

Get known.

Strengthen relationships.


Sponsor Lago Fest and put your marketing budget to work. Several sponsorship levels to choose from. Some packages come with a tent space next to VIP!


Grab your friends and make some new ones.

Lago Fest Volunteers

are the ultimate ROCKSTARS! 

Earn a festival t-shirt and free on-site parking.


Want to be a part of the festival by having your non-profit organization represent? Please click the link below to access the Non-Profit Application. Hurry, there are limited spaces!


Asleep at the Wheel, Ray Wylie Hubbard, and Shinyribs are just a few Texas favorites to play at Lago Fest.

Send bio, website, links, tour history.

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